Hey everyone! So, this is all new to me. I don't really know how to do this, so we'll see how this turns out. My family will appreciate this since we don't get to see them very often. So, here goes. Today has been a pretty busy day so far. I babysit everyday. Today I started with Macee at 8am and Mara and Aayla shortly thereafter. Oh, I should start out that baby Jacob woke me up at about 7am and he had turned a full 180 degress around in his crib! Don't ask me how he performed that little acrobatic feat! He was starving since he hadn't eaten since 6pm the night before. I was surprised he slept that long without waking up to eat again. He's a very good sleeper. Anyway, so I nursed him in my bed until about 7:30 when I figured I should get up and get on with the day. It's been a pretty uneventful day here. Jacob has had diarrhea the last week or so, and today I thought I should do some of his laundry since all of his onesies have crap all over them. Why can't they manufacture a diaper that can hold crap!? What good are the things anyway? I hate laundry, especially baby poop-stained laundry! It's so hard to get out. Any suggestions? My knuckles are raw from trying to get the dang stains out!
Well, we had a preschool lesson today, just before lunch and just after I put the 2 babies to sleep. We learned all about the letter "C" today. The kids really love to have school. I wish I could do it more often for them, but I just can't find the time. I try to do a lesson 2 days a week so they get some learning, not that they don't learn through play everyday! This is just more structured for them and they can get used to sitting and listening to a lesson. Now I'm counting down the minutes until I'm done. I've changed 4 poopy diapers today, taught about letter "C", had the babies take 2 naps each, did 2 loads of laundry, and need to do a lot more before the day is done! It never ends! Oh well. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to change 5 poopies!!