Wow, it's been a while since my last post. Hopefully I can keep on top of things a bit better. Anyway, Asia got a bike for Christmas and it has been relatively nice outside lately, so we decided to try it out. We didn't put her training wheels on yet. (Mostly because we're lazy!) We just told Asia that she'd have to learn to ride like her big brother. She was very scared at first and was adamant that we know that we were not allowed to let go of the bike at any time. Mike rode alongside her for a couple of passes down the cul-de-sac, and then he just let her go on her own, still making it look like he was still holding on. She just got it! Now she's a little biker pro!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
2 Wheels!!
Wow, it's been a while since my last post. Hopefully I can keep on top of things a bit better. Anyway, Asia got a bike for Christmas and it has been relatively nice outside lately, so we decided to try it out. We didn't put her training wheels on yet. (Mostly because we're lazy!) We just told Asia that she'd have to learn to ride like her big brother. She was very scared at first and was adamant that we know that we were not allowed to let go of the bike at any time. Mike rode alongside her for a couple of passes down the cul-de-sac, and then he just let her go on her own, still making it look like he was still holding on. She just got it! Now she's a little biker pro!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
General Conference
We usually make our kids at least be in the same room as us while we're watching conference. It's just too hard to make them sit there and listen to all of the speakers. I even have a hard time sitting still! This is what kept Ethan busy the whole time... We were being ambushed!! Maybe that wasn't an appropriate activity for a church day, but it kept him busy. I knew he was listening, too, because at random moments he would blurt out what the speaker had just said that was interesting to him. Such as, "faith" and "the Prophet Joseph Smith" and "Our Heavenly Father", etc. It was pretty funny!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa meet Jacob
Spring Reunion Pics
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Spring Break to Lethbridge
We were able to drive to Lethbridge to spend a whole week with my family. It was so nice just to get away and have a holiday. We stayed at Auntie Cynthia's and Uncle James'. They were so nice to let us stay there the whole week. We got to go swimming at the Ramada Inn (it has 2 waterslides, that Asia HATED!, a wave pool, and a fun little kiddie spray pool), hung out outside in the balmy weather (40's!!), got our van fixed, visited Grandpa George at work, and had a little reunion with my cousins and second cousins. It was quite the eventful holiday. Grandma and Grandpa Simington got to finally meet baby Jacob and so did all the aunts, uncles and cousins. It was great to see all of them again. The kids had so much fun. Auntie Janet and Auntie Rita went through so much trouble organizing projects and dress-ups and food. They are amazing! Now were back and trying to catch up on laundry again! Can't wait to go back again!
Even More Easter 2008
Sorry, I don't quite know how to put pictures where they should go yet. I need to take a crash course in Blogging! Duuh! Anyway, after the Easter egg hunt, Ethan really wanted to dye some eggs. So we did. They turned out pretty cool. Easter Sunday we had to get to church early since the choir was singing and Mike is the choir director. I, of course, strolled in late to sing only one verse of prelude and called it good! We did sing later on in the program and it went quite well. Anyway, after church we were invited over to Grandma and Grandpa Taylor's for Easter dinner with all of Mike's brothers' families and his sister's family. We had a yummy ham with funeral potatoes. I love funeral potatoes! After dinner, the men went outside and hid the Eater eggs for all of the gandkids. My mother-in-law is a retired 1st grade teacher, so it was all very well organized. Each grandchild had their own color to collect and there were 10 of each color. The grownups even got their own color! It was pretty fun. Ethan's color was yellow and Asia's was purple. Jacob slept through the whole thing!! Oh well, he had enough chocolate the day before!
More Easter 2008
We had to hurry that morning to be able to get to an Easter egg hunt. There were a few happening around town, but we decided to go to the one closest to our house at EITC. (the technical college). We made it just in time. Ethan and Asia were so excited to go get all of the eggs at first. Then, when they blew the big bull horn, Ethan ran out to get his stash, but Asia started crying. She said she was too scared and didn't want to do it. She wanted me to hold her hand, but the parents were instructed to not go with their children so it would be fair. I finally had to hold her hand a bit and she grabbed 3 eggs that were right by her. Then she was done. Ethan, on the other hand, stayed searching for eggs until he was the last one out there! He had to inspect every little piece of trash, leaf, and dirt clod to make sure it wasn't some fancy egg for his basket! He did, however, find some FLARP which is his most favorite thing in the world. Anything that makes the sound of a gross bodily function is right up his alley! He also got a special note in one of his eggs that let him pick a special prize inside EITC. This was the sneaky part of the whole Easter egg hunt. The people putting it on were also having a rummage sale inside the building. In order to claim your "special" prize, you had to go into the building and see all of the junk that they were selling! It was a great idea, I must say. We didn't buy anything though. Ethan did, however, win this cool egg that hatched a dinosaur after 2 days. He was pretty excited about that!
I thought I'd better post all about our Easter happenings before it gets to be too much in the past and I can't even remember what happened! I swear I'm getting Alzheimers. Anyway, the Easter bunny came to our house Friday night, so Saturday morning, Ethan was the first to wake up and sneek downstairs. He usually comes to our room first thing in the morning, but not this day. He was so excited to see what the Easter bunny had left for him. After his quick peek, he came running upstairs to tell Mike and I what he had gotten. Asia and Jacob soon woke up because of all the commotion. Then we all went downstairs to see the loot...
Even little Jacob got an Easter basket. He just loved shaking the eggs and chewing on them...
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