Halloween finally came and I was very busy watching 8 kids all under the age of 8 and 8 and a half months prego! I like the number 8 I guess! Anyway, I figured I would need to have some kind of plan for the day or else it would just be chaos. There was no school, hence all of the children at my house. I printed off a bunch of Halloween pictures to color so that interested some. It was a fairly nice morning so they all played outside for a while. Then they were getting bored so I had to pull out the big guns. I had bought little plastic pumpkins for them to decorate and many random things to decorate them with. That took up a good chunk of time. Then I made orange rice krispie treats and they shaped those into pumpkins and decorated those. They had fun being creative and being able to do whatever they wanted with their pumpkins. Then it was lunchtime and naptime. I had bought a Casper movie for them to watch and have some quiet time in the afternoon. 3 kids fell asleep, one went to a friends' house and the others watched the movie quietly while I caught up on cleaning up after them and laundry. It was a day that went by really fast, but we had a lot of fun in the process. Here are some of their projects for the day.
When all of the extra children left, we went to Mike's work to trick or treat. Mike went to work dressed as "white trash" and so I had to play the part of his trashy wife of course. I think it's fun to dress up and be someone different for a while. I get bored with myself I guess! The kids had fun trick or treating there and it was fun to see what Mike's co-workers had dressed up as. Here we are, the trashy couple of the year. Notice all of my babies plus the baby in my tummy! Ha!
Then it was time to have our pumpkin shaped pizza and get ready for trick or treating. Mike took the kiddos around while I handed out the candy. We actually got quite a few trick or treaters this year because it was such a nice night, until it started raining. I think we had our last one at about 9 p.m. The kids had a blast and they were able to go around with some friends also. Jacob trick or treated around the cul-de-sac, but then stayed with me the rest of the night and helped hand out candy. He was so cute! Whenever the doorbell rang he would run to the candy bucket, try to open the door and give the candy to the kids! He caught on to this whole Halloween thing real quick. He also figured out that he could go next door and get candy. He was always trying to escape and go with the trick or treaters that came to our door. Funny little guy. Here's Asia's third choice for costumes this year.
Here's their candy haul. Asia decided to sort them all out like I used to do. Ethan didn't really care to sort it, as long as it as all in the bucket, safe and sound!
We hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween, from the Taylor family!!