Well, it must be the start of the toddler years for Jacob! Bring on the black eyes and broken bones! Last Friday, Mike and I went on a date and left the kids with a babysitter. Now, don't get me wrong, we have an absolutely wonderful babysitter. She's awesome! She brings a little babysitter kit with her every time with new games and toys that my kids always love. She's very responsible and even cleans my house! Anyway, Jacob likes to do his own thing lately, which means going everywhere and getting into everything! He especially loves Ethan's room with all of its hazards and chokeable items! He just started walking only a couple of weeks ago, so he still looks like a drunk baby when he walks. He was in Ethan's room exploring and tripped over the hazards and gonked his little eye right on the corner of Ethan's bed. Ouchie! Now he has a cute little shiner. He looks so tough, especially when his hair is in a faux-hawk!
So, no, we don't beat our kids! They are just accident prone, especially at this age. I thought back and remembered that Ethan and Asia both hit their eyes on our pointy coffee table we used to have. I think that's one of the reasons why we got rid of the thing! Poor kids! Oh, and isn't it crazy how much Jacob looks like Ethan in these pics. Ethan just has more hair! Fun stuff!
Logan isn't far behind on the boo-boo stage. He already likes to climb up the cement steps and then he forgets that he doesn't know how to get down. Jacob's didn't look quite as bad as Ethan's and Asia's--and you probably had his 1 year pictures scheduled for tomorrow :)
Awww--poor little guy! The pics of Ethan and Asia are so cute! The boys DO look a lot alike.
Sure, sure...you don't beat them. I've heard that story before! :)
I've seriously wondered why CPS has not been called on me for all the bruises, stitches, cuts, and injuries my children have sustained. I guess it's just my sweet, innocent face that keeps them from sicking the cops on me.
Poor little guy. Love all the sweet pics!
Poor little guy. Love all the cute pics!
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