We decided to go to Boo at the Zoo again this year. I guess it's become a family tradition now. There were a ton of people there when we first arrived, but the crowds died down after 7:30 or so. Last year I think it was freezing cold and raining. This year was quite balmy. No wonder it was so busy.
Jacob was Kung Fu Panda. His favorite thing was watching the animals, especially if they moved! He would freak out and make the noise of that animal. Pretty cute. He also loved getting his own candy and trying to figure out how to open everything up all at once. He didn't like his panda bear hat so much, but I distracted him enough that he kept it on for most of the night.
Ethan was a ninja. His favorite part, of course, was getting candy and trying out his ninja moves. He did like making the crafts also. They had some craft booths there and at one of them they had some practical joke things. They had the snakes in a container that flew out when you opened the lid, and a box where a fake spider crawled out when you opened the lid. It scared Ethan even when he had opened it a few times! It was funny. He liked those tricks and was trying to figure out how to make such things at home.
Asia was a witch again this year. She can never make up her mind about what she wants to be for Halloween. I think she was a few different things last year too. For her preschool party she was a witch. For her dance party she was Little Red Riding Hood. Tomorrow for the "real" Halloween she wants to be a genie or Princess Jasmine. I guess this is partly my fault since I have all of these random costumes for her to pick from. She loves to dress up. She had fun making crafts at Boo at the Zoo and eating her candy. It was quite a sugar high night for everyone, and it's not even over yet!!! Yikes!
Boo at the Zoo is tons of fun if the weather isn't too bad. We went one year when it was halfway decent. This year I was too cheap! Your kids are adorable! What are you dressing up as??
Fun! Your kids' costumes are very cute!
And your hair is getting sooo long, Tak! I think that's the longest I've ever seen it! Yay for you. Must be all that folic acid in your prenatals!
Mykalee- I'm going to be a white trash/trailer trash wife. No offense to any out there!! I bought Mike a mullet wig, a trucker hat and tattoo sleeves. I will be sporting tattoo sleeves as well, plus a sweet Muumuu and babies all over me. I'll post pics soon.
Kamille- Hormones and folic acid are doing the trick I guess. It might also be because I never have time to go get it cut!! Whatever! Maybe one of these days I'll get my spa day! Right!
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