I need to update a few things that have been going on in the Taylor household. I find myself taking pictures just so I have something to put on my blog. Now I have all of these pictures that I've downloaded and I feel like I have to blog about all of them. I think that is why I stopped scrapbooking; I couldn't pick and choose which pictures to scrapbook and which ones to just put in an album. I didn't want someone to think that their picture was not "scrapbook worthy"! So I felt guilty and overwhelmed and that had to stop. I hope blogging doesn't become like that. I actually like to blog, when I have time! Lately I haven't had the time. I'm realizing now that if I don't keep up on it at least weekly, things pile up and it becomes overwhelming. I guess this would be one of my resolutions for the year: to not be overwhelmed, at least in the blogging aspect!
Anyway, enough of this mindless dribble. On to the stuff I need to "scrapbook." We took some cute pictures of the kids when it snowed for the first time this year. The kids had fun making snow angels and snow forts. I think this was Jacob's first encounter with snow. He had a blast and didn't want to come inside!

The kids burried him in the snow, then he was ready to come inside!!
What fun! For the last few years, we can only count on one good snow day a year. I love that picture of Jacob with his mouth open!
I miss you so much Takara! Your kids are so beautiful and they are getting so big!
Somebody stuck me in a snow drift once. I still have nightmares!
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