She also loves to have her picture taken if you couldn't tell! She kept doing different poses and then she wanted to take pics of Mia and I.
She was in a combo dance class that taught her jazz, tap, and ballet, and then she got to take a tumbling class too. She wore the green outfit for her tumbling number and the pink outfit for her other 2 numbers. She did a great job on all 3 numbers and we're so proud of her!
This month Mia turned 6-months old too. She knows how to roll over now and can sit up on her own. She is kind of tipsy still, but her favorite thing to do is sit and play with her toys. She also is very vocal and like to blow raspberries and growl like a bear. Very cute!
Mia also got to take her first bike ride with her daddy. She loved it so much, she cried when we took her out of her bike seat!
Here's Jacob being funny with some goggles he found. He's pretty hilarious sometimes!
Remember when you did Mariko's hair when she was in ballet? You should be a pro by now!
Cute!! I loved that pic of Mia on the bike with her little helmet on :)
Asia, Jacob, and Mia look so old! Asia looks so pretty all dressed up.
I can't wait for my hugs!!!
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