Yes, another birthday has come and gone. I don't really look forward to my birthdays anymore. Sad, I know. It's not that I don't like them or that I don't get spoiled. It's just that I don't like the idea of getting older! Not that I'm old, by any means. This is not meant to be a pity post either... I just wanted to tell how I really feel about my birthdays! Maybe I just wish that it was my birthday everyday and when it's suddenly over it's like a little depressing shock to the system!
My husband does a super job with special occasions such as this one. He always tries to surprise me with something nice and this year was no exception. I went to the movies that morning with the kids and they're usually not over with until at least 11:30. Well, Mike decided to surprise me with something but I had to be done at themovies by 11:45. The movie wasn't over until about 11:45 and we couldn't leave early. The kids hate missing the end! So, Mike met me at the theatre, took the kids and told me I had an appointment for a massage at 11:45. Oooops! I had to rush to the Apple where my masseuse was waiting.
Now, this was to be my first massage ever, so I didn't know what to expect. I had been kind of wary to get a massage, just because I don't like it to be very hard and I'm also VERY ticklish. The lady did a very nice job and I only got a little ticklish one time right in the middle of my back. Weird. It was so relaxing and I caught myself dozing off twice. I think this may become a regular occurance; the massage part, not the dozing off part!
Then I got to open my presents when I got home:

Then we went out to dinner later that night with some friends who were celebrating their anniversary also. How nice for them to get married on such a blessed day! Anyway, we went to Red Robin for my free birthday burger and free birthday sundae. It was pretty good stuff.

Then we went to see the highly acclaimed movie "The Proposal." It's a pretty good little chick flick. I think I laughed through most of the movie! Very cute.
Then it was on to Sundae's for a little bit more ice cream and a perfect end to a pretty perfect day. Maybe I will look forward to my birthday next year if it will be as good as this year, or if I don't get any older!