Mia finally has her first tooth! It is the bottom right tooth. She has been drooling and chewing on everything for a couple of months now. She's had a few fevers too. Man this teething thing is hard! Mia is 8 1/2 months old. I think Asia was about 9 months old when she got her first tooth and Jacob and Ethan were both 10 months.
Here's the pretty little pearly white:

Oh man, my baby is growing up!! She's sitting up all by herself and even starting to want to crawl! She loves to blow raspberries on bare skin and play patty cake. She's a very happy baby and a little sweatheart!
Pretty cute! I want to pinch those chubby cheeks!
oh what a sweetie! I can't believe she is 8 months allready!
Congratulations, Mia! She is adorable
Wow time flies! She's so cute!
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