It was Spirit Week or Red Ribbon week at school last week. I guess the kids learn about drugs and that they are bad for their bodies. I don't really know what that has to do with dressing up everyday, but whatever! It felt like we already had Halloween a week early, for a whole week!
Anyway, Monday was "fake an injury" day. I wanted to do something wicked and gross to the kids, but I always forget to get stuff for that. So we went with black eyes, fake blood, and stitches. Maybe next year I'll be more on the ball!

Tuesday was "wear red" day for DARE, so they just wore red shirts. I didn't get a picture of that! Oh well, it was just red shirts! Wednesday was "what do you want to be in the future" because "we won't let drugs rob us of our futures." I asked Ethan what he wanted to be when he grew up. He asked me, "Well, which job makes the most money?" I guess I need to teach him that there's more to life in this world besides money! HA! He decided to be a doctor, even though he hates seeing blood and surgery stuff. He wants to be a doctor that doesn't see that kind of stuff. I said good luck with that! Asia wanted to be a teacher and a mommy. Since I didn't know how to really combine the two, she chose to be a mommy. Anyway, so we went to DI to find some costumes. I wanted to find a lab coat for Ethan, but settled for a pair of scrubs. A stethoscope would've been a nice touch, but they didn't have one at DI and our play doctor kit got thrown away a while ago! Oh well.

Asia just wore a robe over her clothes, I put some curlers in her messy hair, and only put make-up on one side of her face. She brought along a baby in a carrier and of course, a diaper bag. She was so embarrassed and she kept saying that she didn't want everybody looking at her and laughing at her! I told her that that was the reason to dress-up, so people can look at you! She may not dress up next year!

Thursday was "rock n' roll day." Don't ask me why! But it was fun to dress the kids up as punk rockers. It brought back memories of the good ole days where I would be a punk rocker for every Halloween between the ages of 8 and 12! I should scan a picture in of me right here from back in the day, if I had a scanner that worked. Grrrr! Anyway, here are the punks:

It was also "muffins with mom" day where I get to go and have muffins with my little munchkins.

I didn't get a picture of Asia. I guess I forgot in the all of the hustle and bustle. She has afternoon kindergarten so she wasn't dressed all punked out yet either. Maybe that's the reason. I felt bad, but she didn't care. She was too busy enjoying her chocolate muffin and chocolate milk! Mmmmm, chocolate for breakfast!
Friday was school spirit day. They were supposed to wear school colors and/or shirts, so Ethan wore a Tiebreaker shirt. Asia, on the other hand, has quite the mind of her own and didn't want to wear "an ugly Tiebreaker shirt!" (in her own words) So she wore her soccer jersey. Whatever! No pics of that either, but you get the gist. It was a fun, busy week. Now onto the "real" Halloween!
So fun to have school spirit. Too bad PBHS didn't have any!
What fun! Our schools don't do anything like this.
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