It was a wonderful, busy, spiritual, amazing day. My WHOLE family was able to come and stay with us and attend Ethan's baptism. Mike's WHOLE family was able to attend the baptism as well. That made it such a special day for Ethan. It was so great to have so much love and support there for him. So many other friends came too. What an awesome day!
One cute little story about Ethan's baptism. Mike was sitting on the front row with Ethan and all of the other children that were going to be baptized. ( there were 8 total!) Just before Mike and I were to sing our song, Ethan turned to Mike and said, "Do you have a hanky daddy? I think I'm feeling the spirit." And Mike looks at him and Ethan has tears streaming down his face! What a sweet little boy. That, of course, made Mike all emotional right before we had to sing our song. We barely got through the song, but it still turned out quite nice. It at least brought the spirit in I think!
Another funny story. I put Mike in charge of getting all of Ethan's gear for before, during, and after his baptism, including the changes of clothing, etc. He also had to get all of his own change of clothes. Since this was our first child to be baptized, he forgot a few things! He almost forgot his tie until I reminded him. I should've went through a checklist for Ethan's things because not only did he forget towels for the both of them, he forgot to bring a white shirt for Ethan to wear with his new suit after his baptism! Mike was trying to figure out what to do. He thought maybe he could just go without a shirt, but that looked pretty naked. It would take too long to go home and get one, so Mike decided to fashion a sort of cravat out of his white tie! (I think that's what it's called) Anyway, it worked out ok and he at least had something covering up his chest for the confirmation and pictures later. Fun things to remember.
What fun little things to remember. Bridger is getting pretty excited for his big day too...he just has to wait a few more months though.
Sounds like it was a great day! How fun you could have all your families together. Your kids are getting so big!
I never even noticed that Ethan didn't have a shirt on! It was a great day and we were glad we could be there.
Hahaha, love the cravat! Good improvising. I had never heard of Stake Baptisms until recently, Jason told me that's what they did in Utah. It's almost impossible for me to imagine a ward where there are 8 kids getting baptized in one year, let alone in one month! Crazy!!!
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