For spring break we decided to get out of cold Idaho and head south to Las Vegas for some much needed warmth and sunshine. I guess it snowed here most of the time we were gone so it was a good week to be away. We enjoyed temps in the 70's and 80's while we were in Vegas! It was awesome! It feels like we have had the longest winter EVER around here! Next year we have to go somewhere warm again. Hmmmm, I feel a cruise coming on...
Anyway, we left for Vegas Saturday morning and got there about 8ish. We got to take our neighbors' exchange student, Priya with us. She's from Germany, but she's Indian. She can speak Indian, German, and English very fluently. She's so smart and such a wonderful girl. She wanted to go to Las Vegas so bad so she got to come with us. In exchange she was willing to babysit for us. I think it was a pretty good deal! Plus, she's very fun to hang out with!
The drive wasn't too bad with the kids. Ethan, Asia, and Jacob like to watch movies so they were very good the whole way, just glued to the movie. Mia, on the other hand, is not such a good traveller and developed this high-pitched, nails on chalkboard, want to pull your hair out scream that drove everyone NUTS! She only did this a few times, but man, it was a few times too many!
We tried to stop every 2 hours or so to stretch our legs, go potty, and take care of the "numb bumb." But we had to get going to make the John Mayer concert. I have never been to a "real" concert before with someone famous. Sure, I saw Donny Osmond in Rexburg a few years ago and even touched his hand, but come on. John Mayer was amazing! So cute and cool. I don't know if you've ever seen him perform, but it is quite comical the way his face becomes distorted when he tries to hit certain notes or he wants to tweak a note. I'm sure it's on youtube somewhere. You should check it out, it's quite comical! We had some killer seats too, given to us because of the "nowhere to park" situation. Note to self: NEVER try and drive on Las Vegas Boulevard on a Saturday night and NEVER try and park anywhere. We seriously either should've taken a taxi or even just walked. We would've been there sooner and would not have had the headache of driving 2 miles an hour and stopping every 2 feet! It's so crazy how busy it is there ALL OF THE TIME!!
Anyway, here are some shots we took of John:

See his funny face:

The next day we decided to ride on a train. It's the track that carried supplies and materials from Boulder City to the Hoover Dam. The kids thought it was pretty cool to ride on a train.
Here's Asia and Mia waiting to board the train:
The whole fam damily:
Waiting for the train to get moving:
Trying on the conductor's hat:

After the train ride we went and looked at all of the older steam engines in the yard. Jacob kept calling this one Thomas and he wanted to ride it. He was so frustrated that it didn't move or do anything. 
Then we had a little picnic lunch in the sunshine and played on a dirt hill chasing lizards:

It was getting so hot there that we decided it was time to go back to our hotel and go swimming.

It was a really nice, big pool with a couple of shallow ends for Jacob and Mia to play in and it even had a little sandy beach area. Too bad it closed at 6 everyday though. I guess they don't want you swimming at night, they want you gambling and drinking and spending money. Oh well. We just found other things to do like watch movies on the home theatre system in our room! Our room was awesome! We stayed at the Planet Holleywood/Westgate towers, right on the strip. I didn't get any pictures of it, but I think Priya did. I need to get some from her. She wanted to make it her own little apartment. It was a suite so it had one bedroom with a jetted hot tub in it, a full kitchen, and windows from floor to ceiling with awesome views of the strip and the mountains. It was fun to stay there. I'll post more later. Right now it's time for beddy bye!
Holy ur a HOT Mom Takara!!
Really! You have 4 kids?! And wear a bikini?! And look great doing it?! So jealous! Looks like a great time. Isn't it great to pull out the shorts again?
PS-I don't think I ever thanked you for the birthday present you sent! Thanks so much!
So jealous. Maybe some day James and I will go back to Vegas.
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