Thursday, August 12, 2010


So, our next port day was in Belize and we went scuba diving there. Awesome! Here we are loading up the boat with all of our gear:

Getting ready to go down, down, down:
Now, we had just bought an underwater camera case that was supposed to be good to 100 feet. It was pretty inexpensive, but it said it was supposed to work. The guy that was helping us get loaded kind of laughed at it and said, "good luck with that!" That wasn't very encouraging! So, we put our camera in it, Mike went down about 8 feet and it just scrunched up and the camera wouldn't even turn on! Lame-ola! And we were relying on that to take some cool pics! Oh well. We got some sweet ones in Roatan.

After our 2 dives, we stopped at this private island and relaxed on the beach for a bit. It had a trampoline on the water! Cool.

Then we went back to the boat and went on with our evening of dinner, show, karaoke, midnight pizza run, and of course, a bit a fro-yo to grease up around the edges of the tummy!

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