This past June, Asia participated in t-ball again. It was quite an eventful t-ball season. I think it was her second or third game when it happened. Her team was practicing before the big game. One person stood at the tee, one person was assigned to put the ball on the tee, and the other team members shagged the ball. Well, it was Asia's turn to put the ball on the tee and just as the person up to bat was swinging the bat back to get ready to hit the ball off the tee, Asia was there trying to put the ball on the tee. The batter didn't see her and her bat hit Asia square in the mouth! She had two big fat lips and her front permanent tooth got chipped right off. In all the rushing to figure out what to do and who to go see (her dentist was out of town), we forgot to take a picture. But, now she has a fake tip on her front right tooth. She was very brave and finished out the season, but still was a bit wary of going near the tee! Here she is at the end of the season with her medal and fake tooth:

My Mom turned 60 on June 22, so we decided to come up to Lethbridge and surprise her. My sister was having a big party for her so we wanted to come to that with her not knowing. She figured we wouldn't be able to come on short notice. But we made the trip up. Turns out my mom already figured it out that we were coming. But it was a fun, quick trip anyway. Again, not very many pictures. Too busy I guess.
We decided to leave Ethan up there to hang with his aunts, uncle and grandma and grandpa for 3 whole weeks! We figured he was old enough now and I wanted him to be able to spend time with the people we love the most and don't get to see nearly enough. It was a long time being without Ethan! He is actually quite the little helper around here. It made me appreciate him more and I think he realized that he missed and loved us too. Here is the shot of him before we left to go back to Idaho; shaggy hair and everything: (Cynthia took him to get his hair cut later)

Here's Mia blowing on Cynthia's back door. She thought it was hilarious and so did we!
Poor Asia! I'm glad that Cole's coaches always put the ball on the tee! I think I know why now...
I always worry about this exact thing in Tee Ball!!! Poor girl. What a trooper!
That door was already dirty so I didn't mind Mia's spit all over it! We loved having Ethan stay with us. It was fun. I just wish there were more children around that he could play with.
Poor Asia! That must've really hurt! Cute shaggy hair!
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