It's 2nd Chance Prom time again! It's always fun to go to this every year. We get a bit sad if we're unable to go some years. It's just fun to dress up and have a fun night out with dinner and dancing. We don't get to do that very often. We went with some good friends of ours and had a terrific time eating at Garcia's and then dancing the night away. I like seeing what dresses the ladies wear. Some go all out and wear actual big prom dresses. Most wear church type dresses and some wear just pants. There were some pretty sa-weet dancers this year too! I'm a people watcher so this is a great event for me! And I love to go dancing with my hunkie sweetheart too!

The next weekend was not only Mother's Day, but it was also our 12th anniversary! So it was a great weekend for me especially! Mike kind of got the short end of the stick this year, having to share with me and all, but we still had a great weekend together. Friday night we got a babysitter and went to a wedding reception for one of my young women. Then we went to dinner at Billman's. (prime rib=yummy!) and then on to the Extreme Ballroom recital. We have a nephew, a niece, and many friends' kids that dance to the Extreme! It's always an awesome show and I'm still trying to convince my older 2 kids to try ballroom dancing... Maybe next year!
Then Saturday morning we had a nice jog around the river with the older kids on their bikes and the youngers in the double jogger. It was chilly, but sunny at least. Then we got to check out the Farmers Market downtown. I've never been to the one here and it was kind of fun to check out all the "granola" type things going on around our city! Ha Ha! Then we got some gourmet cupcakes from Love at First Bite. We got an assortment which included a bacon cupcake! I couldn't believe it, but it had actual bacon on it! It had maple frosting on the top so it tasted like pancakes and bacon with maple syrup. It was actually pretty tasty!!
Then the hubby surprised me with a pedicure with one of my besties, Rose. We went to Austin Kade Academy which is a beauty school here in town. They do an "ok" job, and it was cheaper than going to the Vietnamese place! And they turned out pretty cute: red with black zebra stripes. Rowr!!

Then we met up with our hubbies and our good friend Chris and went to dinner at Blue Hashi. We had yummy, yummy sushi and tempura. Mmmmm! There's nothing better than good food and good friends to share it with! Then it was off to see Limitless at the Paramount. It was a pretty good movie. I wouldn't see it again, but it was very intriguing...Then we had to finish off the evening with some fro-yo at Orange Leaf. Yum-o!
The next day was Mother's Day. It was a great day with food made for me and presents all over the place! My kids made little pictures for me and made breakfast: pancakes, eggs, ham, and OJ. Here are some of the pics the kids made. They are turned in my pictures folder, but for some reason they're not turned here. Sorry! Don't get a kink in your neck trying to look at them!
This one is from Jacob that he made at church:

Ethan's gift he made at school. It says "I'll try to be more responsible". He's always losing his things or forgetting to do stuff, so this is a great present from him!

And another little note from Ethan. It says "Dear Mom, You are the best mother I ever have (probably the only mom I'll ever have) Love your favorite child Ethan. " I laughed so hard!

Asia made a beautiful butterfly and bird for me:

Our babysitters had the younger 2 make little cards for me. Here's Jacob's:

And here's Mia's:

And another one from Mia:

And one last one from Jacob:

Oh, and I got a new ring for our anniversary:

Phew! I think that's it! What a crazy, busy, fun, relaxing, needed weekend!