The Easter Bunny made his regular appearance on the Friday night before Easter Sunday. So Saturday morning the kids woke up to see their Easter baskets filled with all sorts of fun stuff! The kids let us sleep in until 8 and then we all crept downstairs to see what surprises were hiding for us. The Easter Bunny loves to bring eggs filled with money and candy. He also likes to fill the baskets with books and fun outside things to get us excited about warmer weather... He didn't bring any new Easter outfits this year since the kids already had a bunch of dresses and ties. Maybe next year.

Then we were all able to go to McCowin Park for a local Easter egg hunt. It was separated into age groups, so Ethan and Asia went with their dad, Jacob went with Mariko who was visiting for the weekend, and I had Mia. Mia was so scared at first and didn't know what to do. She started looking around at the other kids and then there was no stopping her!

It was so cute watching the little 1 and 2 year-olds picking the eggs up! What was even more funny was the parents yelling at their toddler to get as many eggs as they could and finally just picking them up themselves! Yikes! What some parents will do just to get a little egg filled with cheap candy... Just sad! We had fun anyway!

Then on Sunday we had a lovely Easter program at church, followed by a super yummy dinner at the in-laws'; ham and funeral potatoes. Yum-o! Then my mother and father-in-law had an Easter egg hunt in their backyard. Each grandkid had their own specific egg color to find. Even the adults has some special eggs for them. Everyone had a great time!
Checking out the loot:

I finally found one!!

I think Ethan was one of the first ones finished:

Mia had the most fun I think!

Fun times! I'm especially grateful for the sacrifice of our Savior at this time of year, and for the wonderful example He is to me. I'm so thankful for the Plan of Salvation and for our Eternal Family! We are just beginning... :)
1 comment:
We had an easter egg hunt at James' parent's house. It was pretty fun watching some of the younger kids walk right by some of the eggs and not even see them!
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