We had to get in one last zoo trip before school started. It actually took us two days to get it all in, but we did it! The kids love to pet the goats and check out the monkeys. The monkeys were very active that day, swinging around everywhere and coming right up to the glass to say hi. It was pretty cute. Jacob wanted to high-five them everytime they put their little hands on the glass. We also got to see them feed the penguins too. Jacob liked to play with the peacock that just roams around freely. It was a pretty fun 2 mornings.
After the zoo, the kids really wanted to ride the rides at the fair. They earned 2 free rides from the library reading program, so I let them choose 1 ride each. They both eventually chose to ride the ariplanes together. At first they thought the ferris wheel would be fun, but then changed their minds for some reason. After they rode the airplanes they both said, "We wanted to go on the ferris wheel." I said too bad, you picked the airplane. The ferris wheel actually cost more to ride and if I'd have known that before, I would've made them go on the ferris wheel just because it was a better deal!! I'm such a cheapo! Anyway, the airplanes were great fun and I'm sure we'll get to ride more rides soon. The fair is only 1 week away!
That was a good day at the zoo. This was the first year we did the summer reading program. That was fun!
Fun! We just went to the zoo, too. I love that tiger statue!
cute pics of your kids! I miss Idaho falls.
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