Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tubed Worms and Bottled Peaches...?

You're probably wondering why I titled it this. Kinda gross, eh! Well, I wanted to condense 2 things into one post. It had rained the day we wanted to bottle peaches, so we let the kids go outside and play in the rain and puddles. It kept them pretty busy while we got some bottling done. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Ethan was there with a whole tube full of worms and slugs! It was so nasty! They were all squished in there like sardines. Since the tube was full, he decided to put all of the rest of the worms that they found into a plastic bag. We had to make sure that those were disposed of before they got all stinky! Oh the minds of children!
Since the kids were preoccupied with gathering worms, Mike and I were able to bottle about 50 quarts of peaches. Last year we ran out, so we made sure to bottle enough for one bottle a week. It was pretty fun. That will be probably the last thing to can for the year. I'm glad that part of harvest is over. Now on to the Halloween and Thanksgiving parts! Yaay!

1 comment:

The Whetstone Family said...

Ick! Worms! And also, yum! Peaches! We always had home-canned peaches and pears growing up. I need to learn that.