He said they started appearing Saturday night and that they were so itchy. Poor guy. I put calamine lotion all over his spots, which he hated because it was cold and it took so long to dry. He even had his chicken pox shot, just not the booster. I guess it could have been worse had he not had one shot.
He didn't get a fever or anything. He just had annoying, itchy bumps all over him that he had to scratch. He did ok though. I had him stay home from school Monday and Tuesday. He thought that was awesome! By Tuesday his spots were scabbing up and he was driving me crazy at home so I sent him to school on Wednesday. He didn't realize that when you miss school, you still have to do the work you would've been doing had you been at school. I picked up a whole packet of homework for him and he hated it! 2 pages a day is enough, let alone 4 pages of math and 5 pages of language. Now he won't think it's so fun to miss school! Hopefully my other kids don't get the dreaded spots! One kid is enough to quarantine!
Ooooh! Not fun. T got those when he was one. The other two have been lucky so far. B drives me nuts when he stays home from school. I don't know how people home school!
Itchy and Scratchy city!
Poor guy! Looks so uncomfortable!
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