Mia- 5 months old
We decided to see if Mia is ready to eat some real food. She's been showing a lot of interest in what we are eating and tries to reach out and take our utensils while we're eating. I know she LOVES ice cream already, so we decided to see if she likes rice cereal.
Here she is, getting syked up to eat:
Here she is trying to feed herself:
And some more cute pics:
She mostly just wanted to suck her thumb:
It wasn't her favorite, but she choked it down. How could she like that gooey stuff after having the sweet cream of the ice! We've spoiled her taste buds. Oh, another reason we're trying to get her to eat is because she has decided she doesn't want to take a bottle. Just about a month ago we tried to give her a bottle and she FREAKED out. I was very perplexed. This meant my freedom was GONE! We had planned to go to Las Vegas for our anniversary and now it looked like it was going to be the three of us... Not so romantic. I searched the internet for a cure, bought a twelve dollar bottle, borrowed bottles and tried many different nipples, but to no avail. Finally, last Saturday we went on a long date and couldn't take Mia. I got a babysitter that I knew could handle the situation with the whole bottle thing. I told her good luck and we left! I guess she tried to call us on both of our cell phones, but we didn't hear it with the music blasting! (We were at the 2nd chance prom) So she called her mom and she told her to burp her and then try again with the bottle. She took it! She gobbled it right down! Yaaaaay! Now we'll just have to keep trying and hopefully she'll keep it up. Yaaay for my awesome babysitter!! She took this picture of us. Cheesy I know, but it was tons of fun!! Who doesn't want to dress up like a princess once in a while?
Mia is soooooooo cute! I want to pinch those chubs so badly!
I'm going to make James take me to a fancy dance some day!
Yeah for bottles. That is always a nice thing. We really should do the second chance prom thing sometime. Maybe when I'm not 8 months pregnant.
What a cute baby!!
And your prom pictures are beautiful! You are so funny! We HAVE to get together soon!!
Your Dad asked just yesterday if Mia takes a bottle. He was worried.
So cute! And I'm so jealous you guys get to get away! What fun.
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