Friday, July 31, 2009

Choo Choo Train

My friends' little boy, Kian, had a birthday a couple of days ago, and she invited us to go on a train ride with them. I guess there was this guy that lived just outside of Rigby who built a train track and a little train to go on it and let people come ride it. He has since past away, but his son now runs the train. It was sooooo cool! It even had a bridge to go over and a tunnel to go through. I guess you're supposed to scream all the way through the tunnel (a tradition or something).

Jacob loved it the most. Everytime it would stop to let other kids on, he would say, "I wanna go 'gain!" He never got off of the train! Luckily there weren't too many kids so it didn't matter. He had a little fit when it was time to go. I guess I know what to get him for his birthday now!
Even Mia loved riding the train:

It was so much fun. Thanks Kian for inviting us!


cynthia said...

Wow, that's really fun!

The Yeager Family said...

wow, looks like you guys are having some serious fun! Boise looks fun, I didn't even know about that water park! Your kids are getting so big!

Cook Family said...

oh, fun, we'll have to try that sometime.

JulieJ said...

How fun! I never considered Boise a place to vacation but it looks like you had a good time. Maybe Tristan should do a tax conference there!

The Whetstone Family said...

How cool! I wonder how much something like that would cost. The kids would be on it all day!