Friday, April 23, 2010

Vegas Part Deux

The next day we drove to Red Rock Canyon and decided to do a little hiking and exploring. It was the perfect day to go for a hike. The kids love to explore nature and see what new things they can discover.
Here we are, exploring the lizard in the Nature Center:

Hiking pretty high up the mountain:Just some fun pictures on this cool little foot bridge:

There was this cool little nature hike to a waterfall that we decided to do. Jacob is so into waterfalls and fountains that he couldn't wait to get there. He walked the whole way which was about a mile or so. Here we are behind the waterfall: It was just a tiny little waterfall. We came at a great time of year because the waterfall is not there towards the end of summer. This is just the melting snow coming down from the top of the mountain. Once the snow is all melted, then no more waterfall.

Here's Mia and Daddy:

It was a pretty fun day. It was starting to get pretty warm so then we went back to our hotel and swam. The kids loved to get in the big bathtub after going swimming every day:

That evening we decided to check out the volcano at the Mirage and, of course, the fountains at the Bellagio. This is the volcano show:They were working on it the last time we were here, so it was fun to finally see it. It was very cool (or very hot, I should say!) and the kids really enjoyed that. Then it was on to the fountains. They are always a good show. Jacob wanted to just stay there and watch them all night!

Then it was off to bed. The next day we went to the Ethel M. Chocolate Factory. We were so excited to see Willie Wonka and the Oompa Loompas, but alas, there were none to be found! It was kinda lame because we got there right when they were starting their lunch break, so nothing cool was going on. We got a free sample and then had to buy some sweet little morsels for ourselves. They were yummy! Priya even said it was as good as the German chocolate back home. Here's Mia enjoying a chocolate gummy worm:

Mmmmm, the evidence is all over his face!They had a cactus garden that we explored:

Then it was off to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. This was our first time going to such a wonderous kids' heaven! The kids wanted to stay there all night! Even today, Jacob says he wants to go to Chuck E. Cheeses'! Here he is on his favorite ride. It was a big monster truck that moved all around. It was Mia's least favorite!

Mmmmm pizza!

Mia got to have her very own pop. She thought that was the greatest!

After playing a billion games and earning a billion tickets, Ethan was ready to redeem his tickets and get...... a package of 99 cent face paints! It's crazy what little things you can get with a billion tickets! So he decided to paint everyones' faces and be scary monsters.

And lastly, this is the game that Ethan and his daddy liked the most. I can't remember what it was called, but you basically just had to shoot the bad guys. Pretty intense!

Ok, I think I'll be able to finish our vacation with just one more post, hopefully! So much to write about still, but I've been working on this post all day and now it's time for bed. Later!


cynthia said...

Rub a dub dub three rascals in the tub!

Pretty fun!

The Whetstone Family said...

What fun! We love Chuck E Cheese here! The kids think it's the funnest place on the planet.