Mike and I were able to go on another cruise in May for our 11th anniversary! My mom and sister, Naomi, were able to come down and watch our kids for the week. It's so nice to have them come and let us leave! It was a great cruise, as usual. The weather was a welcome break from the crap that we were getting back at home. It was in the 90's at every port and beautiful!
Here we are at the muster drill. Always a bunch of fun!

Here's the boat just leaving the port of Miami with the Miami skyline in the background:

We went with Jason and Mandy Bell this time. We all scuba certified together and couldn't wait to get back down to see the fish:

Our first of many towel animals. This one is a seal I guess!

Mandy wanted us to play a little game on this trip. We were to find people that were "interesting" and take a picture of them. The person who got the picture of the most "interesting" person won. We saw this guy on deck the first day and couldn't resist a picture! Check out the supreme, curly mullet, white ankle socks, jean cutoffs, blue tank top, and wild and crazy tats! I'd say that was picture worthy! There will be more of him to come. You just wait!

Here's another beauty. This was that night at karaoke. She had on this flowery, shorty jumper thingy with black nylons. It wasn't very flattering at all! It made me want to give her a makeover! Please don't think I'm this shallow, mean person! This was actually a fun game and you know you guys do the same thing. You just maybe don't take pictures! She did have an AMAZING voice and did dress better the next nights!

Anyway, the next day was a sea day to get us all the way down to Cozumel. I didn't take any pics that day. We just layed around on the decks all day, eating food and making fun of people (obviously)!
The next day we went to Cozumel and took a ferry into Playa Del Carmen to see the ruins of Tulum.
Here we are on the ferry. It was nice and air conditioned so we had no "mishaps!"

Our tour bus stoppped at this tourist trap for a "potty break" which was really a "buy our crap that we say is authentic but really isn't" stop!

We did, however, get to meet our friendly mullet man again! What a coincidence!


And here he is lighting up a cigarette. Perfect!

Some super cute chicas:

When we finally got to the ruins, we saw these cute little iguanas all over the place:
Here are some of the bigger ruins:

We didn't get to walk up the steps or go inside or even touch the ruins, which was kinda lame. I guess it was to preserve them or whatever! They were still pretty cool to look at and learn about.

These ruins bordered the ocean. So when we were finished touring the ruins, we got to go down to the beautiful beach.

The staircase down to the beach:

Picture of a map of the ruins:

Oh how I miss that beautiful water!

The Carnival Ecstacy was there as well:

And of course, a friendly monkey waiting for us when we got back:

More still to come! I know you can't hardly wait...!