Friday, July 30, 2010

Snow in April (and hopefully the last)

Usually when you go back to school after Spring Break, you expect to have Spring, right?! Well, not so much this year! We actually had a snow day in April! So, I decided to take the kids on one last sledding trip (hopefully the last!)

Doesn't Asia look like she has a GINORMOUS head here!? Or Mia just looks teeny tiny!
Mia loved to go down the hill all by herself.

So did Jacob:

My little "stay-puff marshmallow" baby!

Okay. Hopefully that was it for snow. (I think it was, can't remember!) Ha Ha!


cynthia said...

I think it snowed here too. We are finally getting some hot weather now that summer is almost over!

The Whetstone Family said...

Ahhhhh! I don't even want to think about snow right now! Sam was asking me the other day when winter will be here. He's excited for snow!