Friday, July 30, 2010


Yep, still trying to catch up! The Saturday before Easter is when the "Easter Bunny" usually comes to our house, but we were in Las Vegas and the "bunny" didn't want to cart all the stuff from Idaho Falls. So, we just did the baskets on Sunday this year.

It worked out alright since it was General Conference and we didn't have to go to church and leave the beloved baskets!

Asia and Ethan got dressed up for church anyway:

After conference, we all went over to Mike's mom and dad's for an Easter egg hunt. Since Mike's mom is a retired elementary school teacher, everything is very organized! The kids have their own color and size of egg, they each have the same amount of eggs, and they're all hidden at the height that each kid would be able to find them at! Makes things work like clockwork!

Here's Ethan on the hunt:

Oooo, so excited!

Jacob helping Mia with her eggs:

"I finally found all of mine!"

Counting his wares:

Mmmm chocolate!:

I have just as much fun as the kids, trying to find eggs!

What a dork! HA HA!

It was nice to have a relaxing, peaceful Easter. It was also nice to be able to reflect on our Savior and his sacrifice for us. What better way than to spend the day with the family we love the best! Happy Easter!


cynthia said...

Stop stealing the eggs from those poor kids!

The Whetstone Family said...

Cute pictures. Mia is getting so big!