Asia had to have green milk with every meal today.
I actually had a bit of a hard time eating green food. It's all in my head, I know, but there's something to be said about the appearance of food. I guess I should color everything on my plate green, then I wouldn't eat so dang much!
We all wore green shirts except for Ethan who doesn't really have a green shirt. He just had to wear one that had a green stripe in it. I had to give him a talk about pinching people and that he'd probably get in trouble at school if he pinched anyone not wearing green. He refrained from pinching and didn't get into trouble. Yaay! Not that he has trouble keeping his hands to himself, but you never know with boys!
I was going to make a wonderful St. Patrick's Day dinner, but I ran out of time and we had stroganoff instead. Russian food I think. That's close enough to Ireland, right?!
I wore my green Christmas socks for St. Paddy's day at school. James didn't wear green so I pinched him!
How fun! We didn't really do anything fun this year. I was thinking of at least making shamrock shakes or something, but we never did. Oh, well, next year!
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