We just went to Mia's 4-month old check-up with Doctor Packer. She is doing great! She is already 14 pounds (56th %) and 26 inches long (95th %). She's almost exactly the same size as Asia when she was 4-months old. Asia was 26" long and weighed 14lbs. 8 oz. They could be twins!
Mia likes to play with her hands and suck on them. She has become quite the drool monster. I hope she's not getting teeth already! She can roll from her tummy to her back and she likes to hold onto her toys and shake them.
She also likes to swing in her swing and be outside. It's actually been pretty nice lately so she can finally go outside without freezing her little tooshie off! She also does this funny thing where she puts her chin to her chest so it looks like she has no neck. Then she'll stare at you with funny, googly eyes and raise her eyebrows! What a silly girl!
Very cute! I miss those chubs!
Mia is so cute in her pink hoody! She looks pretty Japanese is that picture and the naked one. Almost like her aunt.......maybe not.
Awww--these pictures are sooo cute! She's so adorable. Can't believe she's 4 months old already!
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