She looks just like her big sister with her big blue eyes and her big cheeks.
Here's Asia at 3 months:
Here's Mia at 3 months:
They definitely look related! Mia's even getting the fuzzy hair look that Asia sported for 6 months!
Mia has also found a new talent like her big sister; sucking her thumb!
She loves it! She will even suck both thumbs, not at the same time, but she will alternate. If one thumb is covered up, she will find her other thumb and suck it. I used to suck my left thumb and Asia sucked her right thumb. I think she sleeps so well because she can pacify herself with her thumb. She will sometimes be just in her crib in the morning, sucking away at her thumb, just content as could be. What a little sweetie.
She's getting to be very ticklish on her neck and sides of her belly. She will nurse about every 4 hours and will sleep 10 to 12 hours at night, with 3 naps during the day. She's a very happy, content baby and we love our Princess Mia!
She is so stinkin' cute. I can't believe we still haven't seen her yet. She does look alot like Asia.
Mia looks just like Asia in the picture with the blue shirt! I can't believe how different she looks from the last time I saw her. I hate being so far away. It feels like I am missing out on everything. I think mom feels 100 times worse then me!
I still want to pinch those chubs!
Holy Cow is she cute!! What a fun little baby! She sounds perfect. I still need to hold her!!!
Awww--She is adorable! They grow and change so fast! Love the cute thumb sucking!
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