Monday, October 5, 2009

What The...?!

Look at what we woke up to this morning! Blaaaaah! I'm sooooo not ready for snow and cold and WINTER! At least it's already almost all melted. Yuck!


cynthia said...

We haven't had any snow yet but it has been raining a lot.

Hoffmann Family said...

I would feel the same way! You guys live in IF right?

JulieJ said...

I love everything about living here except snow from Oct conference time until June!

Cathe. said...

We had better bring our warm woolies!!!

cynthia said...

We got some snow today. You can check out my blog for some pictures.

The Haley Family said...

AMEN!! We got 6 inches over the weekend! YUCK...and it is still here!

The Whetstone Family said...

Holy cow! You poor guys. We had a cold weekend, and I complained the whole time and cranked the heat up, but it still only got down to 32ish overnight. Now we're back to the 60s. Hope you guys catch a break from the cold before winter really arrives!