Thursday, November 26, 2009

Still Halloween... Really!?

Ok, ok, so we were busy and gone for a couple of weeks and I still have yet to post about what we did on the actual day of Halloween! Well, here goes.

We invited some friends over for dinner so I decided to make a "ghoulish" meal. We had deviled eggs that looked like blood shot eyeballs:

mummy dogs:

body parts jello:

squirrel brain and monkey eye ball stew:

And for dessert, bloody-brain cake:

It all looked pretty cool and disgusting. So disgusting that the kids didn't want to eat very much of it! It's funny how when something doesn't look so good to eat, your brain tells you that it's not going to taste very good either! I think that's what the kids' brains were telling them. They loaded their tummies up on candy instead!

Checking out all of the loot:

Our decorated porch:

We had the older kids (Ethan, Asia, and Aidan) go with their daddies because they wanted to RUN from house to house. The little ones couldn't keep up with them, so Emily and I took the babies around. Jacob wanted to go to EVERY house! He didn't want to quit. He was really liking the idea of going to a house and getting candy everytime! He would knock on the door, yell "trick or treat" and when they opened the door, he would walk right inside to find their candy bowl and take a handful! Not very shy at all! I had to make him stay outside and wait for them to hand him the candy. And he would always remember to say "tank too!" or "Thank You" in big people words.

He was the cutest little Superman:

He couldn't wait to go through his loot. He started right there on the porch!

The next week, Ethan was pretty sick of his candy so he decided to sell it to a dentist here in town. He was buying Halloween candy for $1.50 a pound! Ethan made 5 whole dollars because he had a little over 4 pounds of candy. They ship the candy over to Iraq for the soldiers. I was proud of him for making this decision. Asia, on the other hand, still has candy in her bag! She'd rather have candy than money still. Maybe next year she'll get the idea!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Happenings

The Halloween events started a week before Halloween. We went to a Halloween party at our friends' house. She had gobs and gobs of fun Halloween food; from soups and stews, to chips and salsa, to every bread imaginable, to fun desserts, to homemade pumpkin seeds, etc, etc, etc. When this girl throws a party, she REALLY throws a party! It was all so yummy and fun.

Here's Asia carving her pumpkin. She does this evil look whenever I want to take her picture. I'm not really sure why. It's the perfect look for Halloween I guess:
Here's Jacob looking for his pumpkin. I think a little girl took it when he wasn't looking! Oh well, we found him another one:
Scooping the guts out. Ethan doesn't like this step that much. He says he gets the gross-out shivers when he touches the guts! I asked him how he was supposed to be a doctor and do surgeries if he gets the gross-out shivers all of the time. He simply said, "I'm not going to be doing any surgeries." Nuff said!

Here's Mia the drool monkey. She's getting her 2 front top teeth so her shirts are always soaked with drool lately. Her favorite activity of the night was taking her socks off and chewing on them. I kept putting them on and she would take them off right away and start chewing. I guess it felt good on her gums!

Asia and Jacob lost interest in carving their pumpkins because there were so many other fun things to do. Here's Asia playing mummy bowling:
Here's the prize she picked when she got a strike: a thing full of candy corn! Yummy!
Here's Jacob trying to find another cookie and maybe a handful of chips! I think the only thing he ate that night was chips and cookies. Another Yummy!

Ethan was determined to carve his pumpkin and not stop until it was finished! Here's his masterpiece. He wanted his to have 4 eyes and be super scary:

After he finally finished, he decided it was time to go play. Here he is trying his hand at mummy bowling:
He also got a strike and chose one teeny Hershey kiss for his prize:

Jacob found a ladder that he just had to climb. It's so fun to see things from a grown-ups' perspective:
And here are the finished products, finally finished. Thanks to Mike who carved the other two pumpkins. They turned out fantastic! Can't wait for next year's bash!

Halloween Happenings Part Two

The night before Halloween, we had a neighborhood Trunk or Treat. All three wards in our church building get involved and throw a fun party. First, we bring a soup to share and eat yummy soup and rolls. Then it's off to decorate the trunks and getcha candy on!

Here's Jacob getting his Superman hair ready:

The cutest Little Red Riding Hood:
The cutest little Superman enjoying some soup and rolls:
Bakugan Dan finishing up his soup and roll. (Don't ask me who Bakugan Dan is!)
Asia, the Renaissance Princess and her daddy:

I failed to get a picture of my trunk this year, but it won for best decorated trunk again! We had so much fun and can't wait for next year! I'll post about the "real" Halloween soon, I hope!