Thursday, November 26, 2009

Still Halloween... Really!?

Ok, ok, so we were busy and gone for a couple of weeks and I still have yet to post about what we did on the actual day of Halloween! Well, here goes.

We invited some friends over for dinner so I decided to make a "ghoulish" meal. We had deviled eggs that looked like blood shot eyeballs:

mummy dogs:

body parts jello:

squirrel brain and monkey eye ball stew:

And for dessert, bloody-brain cake:

It all looked pretty cool and disgusting. So disgusting that the kids didn't want to eat very much of it! It's funny how when something doesn't look so good to eat, your brain tells you that it's not going to taste very good either! I think that's what the kids' brains were telling them. They loaded their tummies up on candy instead!

Checking out all of the loot:

Our decorated porch:

We had the older kids (Ethan, Asia, and Aidan) go with their daddies because they wanted to RUN from house to house. The little ones couldn't keep up with them, so Emily and I took the babies around. Jacob wanted to go to EVERY house! He didn't want to quit. He was really liking the idea of going to a house and getting candy everytime! He would knock on the door, yell "trick or treat" and when they opened the door, he would walk right inside to find their candy bowl and take a handful! Not very shy at all! I had to make him stay outside and wait for them to hand him the candy. And he would always remember to say "tank too!" or "Thank You" in big people words.

He was the cutest little Superman:

He couldn't wait to go through his loot. He started right there on the porch!

The next week, Ethan was pretty sick of his candy so he decided to sell it to a dentist here in town. He was buying Halloween candy for $1.50 a pound! Ethan made 5 whole dollars because he had a little over 4 pounds of candy. They ship the candy over to Iraq for the soldiers. I was proud of him for making this decision. Asia, on the other hand, still has candy in her bag! She'd rather have candy than money still. Maybe next year she'll get the idea!


cynthia said...

So fun! Maybe next year we might have a Halloween party. We got invited to a party this year but it was kind of lame because the games didn't get started until late and we were tired from working all day. James fell asleep!

cynthia said...

What is the squirrel brain and monkey eye ball stew made of?

Hoffmann Family said...

I love all of your fun ,scary foods! What a great idea!

The Whetstone Family said...

Wow! My kids would love that dinner! What fun. That's cool that your dentist buys candy! Wish ours did.