Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fun Stuff!

Here are just some random shots I just took off of my camera. This was a cute one. Ethan was playing his DS and Jacob came and sat next to him and starting watching him play. Then he gently put his hand on his back and just left it there. So sweet! Jacob's my sweet boy. And, yes, they both needed haircuts!

A rare, hot sunny day in April. The kids wanted to eat their snack outside on the picnic table. I made peanut butter and banana sandwiches in cute little heart shapes:

Then it snowed the next week! Gaaaah! We made the most of it and made one last snowman, hopefully...!
And it was fun to jump on the tramp with all of that heavy snow on it:

1 comment:

cynthia said...

I miss those cutie pies!