Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mike's Birthday

Ok, so if I'm treating this blog like my journal, I thought I'd better journal about some important things that have happened even though they were a while ago. Michael's birthday was October 1st and it was a pretty fun evening. Normally he works on Wednesdays until late, but since it was his birthday, he decided to come home early. We invited Mike's parents over and had a yummy dinner; marinated BBQ steaks, twice baked potatoes, fresh garden veggies and a jell-o salad. Side note: We also picked all of the peaches off of our tree. We actually picked quite a bit (3 ice cream buckets full). We made jam with those tasty little morsels. Anyway, after dinner Mike opened his presents and then we had cake and played games with his parents after putting the kids to bed. I made chocolate melting cakes for his cake. If you've been on a Carnival cruise, you know about the scrumptious chocolate melting cakes. They were delicious, fun, and easy to make. I think we all had fun, especially Michael. Happy Birthday to the best husband and father in the world!! :)


Shea said...

You look so cute pregnant....as usual. Looks like fun times!

The Whetstone Family said...

You do look cute! And those cakes look sooo yummy!